Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Hereke Nostalgia - Digitising my rug!

Digital Fatalism and the New Aesthetic is a fascinating field.  What intrigues me the most is the longing for the old school, the analogue, images of an era gone by.
My Hereke Rug and Coco Chanel, for me, have a lot in common.  Not only are they both my absolute favourites in their own "field", but they both ooze style, texture, quality and both are demanding!  And expensive!  Design Principles and elements are evident in both Turkish (Hereke) rugs and Chanel designs.
In today's (digital) age anything is possible (forgive the "Techno-Futurist" in me!) and I can't help but wonder how Coco Chanel would have included 'Hereke Designs and Texture' into her own fashion designs.  Especially if she had the opportunity to design for a Cyborg!
I selected a photo from Google Images and enlarged it to show the blurred pixels  as pixels are at the center of digital photography!
Reference: Google Images 2011, Google, viewed 11 June 2011, http://www.google.com/search

My Hereke Carpet

My Hereke Carpet
Purchased in Istanbul